The aims of FOHG are:
To promote the maintenance of and protect the development of Holland Garden, in the spirit that it was given to the community by Lady Holland.
To liaise with idverde and the London Borough of Merton regarding maintenance and improvements.
To act as a point of focus for residents and users of The Garden to represent their views to the London Borough of Merton, idverde and other relevant bodies, as appropriate.
To lobby for further investment and improvement to Holland Garden.
FOHG is a voluntary organisation and our principle aim is to help protect Holland Garden for future generations as Sir Arthur and Lady Holland would have wished.
Local Government budget cuts have left many open spaces in the Borough with a reduction in the level of maintenance and investment.
In an effort to reduce the impact of these budget cuts, FOHG:
Undertake ad hoc gardening projects.
Organise the gate opening rota during the Spring and Summer months.
Liaise with local stakeholders and London Borough of Merton.
Work with idverde who are London Borough of Merton's contractor for parks and ground maintenance.
A small number of parks and gardens, including Holland Garden have an arrangement with the London Borough of Merton to assist in the opening of the some parks and gardens in the Borough in the spring and summer months. Local residents operate a rota whereby each participant takes responsibility for unlocking the three gates to the Holland Garden for one or two weeks over the spring and summer months. In return, the Council's contractor, idverde, unlocks the Garden each morning from October through to March and locks the Garden in the evening through the year.
Opening the Garden is a pleasant 10 minute task. Keeping Holland Garden locked at night helps to keep it safe. The gate rota for this year is now complete, however if you would like to help out in future years or be a substitute should others plans change, please register your interest to: iain@friendsofhollandgarden.org.uk.